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BPO CRM data processing
We help businesses develop custom applications and reduce licensing, infrastructure & labor cost.

Cloud Secure technologies specializes in CRM data collections and data processing. Our data collection & indexing process is unique and is aligned to the data types, data formats of geographical locations, & time-zones. We understand the subtle nuances & data formats of different data elements like social security numbers, zip codes, date timestamps, area codes, currency, and phone number fields, and their long-lasting impact on reporting & invoicing. 

We offer the following services:

Our data collection & processing is not just focused on speed, through-put and fat-fingering, but also aimed at educating the customer of any shortcomings in customer data model, associated integrity risks and methods to avert or mitigate.

We align our data collection data processing teams with our engineering &  quality control teams to ensure use of right automation tools, standard data processing protocols & security procedures. Our engineering, development & security professionals are very knowledgeable of standard data processing protocols, security methods, and risk mitigation processes.

We take pride in our dedicated engineering team constantly evaluating industry leading data capture solutions and AI tools and developing internal data cleanup tools to support our customers.

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